Graphical abstract of the publication resulting from my PhD thesis. Full article:

Your biomedical discoveries are highly valuable. Ensure that they reach your audience in full, be that your peers, the general public, research funding agencies, or high-impact journals, including their covers.

Data viz from the publication resulting from my PhD thesis. Full article:

Be prepared for a variety of scenarios using graphical abstracts, process diagrams, infographics, illustrations for your conference posters or slides, and much more. Take a quick peek at my range of expertise: Gallery

Watercolor painting that depicts, in a highly stylized manner, how the human brain develops before birth. From a tiny four-cell-embryo at the center, over an implanted embryo (the round, hollow blastocyst), and an embryo in a stage called neurulation (yellow and red), the brain is growing and getting remodelled. Later during the pregnancy (lowest and highest parts), regions of the brain become specialized into what will be the child's and, ultimately, adult's areas for processing speech, sight, touch, or advanced functions such as planning.

From a scientist for scientists: my multidisciplinary background that encompasses nucleic acid biochemistry, developmental biology, and neuroscience allows me to quickly understand your findings and illustrate them appropriately. 

Take advantage of the power of high-quality visual communication to inform, persuade, motivate, or simply disseminate the knowledge you have generated. Get fresh ideas: Contact

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